About Me
Kid Ministry is hard! And, I’m here to help!
My name is Shannon Rains. I’ve been involved in children’s ministry in some way for over twenty years. Currently, I am a professor of children’s ministry at Lubbock Christian University. I do this job because I love equipping ministers and future ministers for the important task of walking with children and their families in their spiritual formation.
Children’s ministry requires many hats. Teaching children. Supporting parents. Choosing curriculum. Decorating classrooms. Writing policies. Facility construction. Leading VBS. Directing camp. Shopping. Budgeting. Equipping volunteers.
If we brainstormed together our list would become very, very long.
In ministry, confidence is important. But, often we are confronted with challenges for which we are unprepared. Some are predictable, such as securing enough volunteers. Others, we did not see coming, and that is ok. Many of us are drawn to ministry because it is unpredictable and it provides the opportunity to minister in tough times, being a light to other people.
That’s why children’s ministry is hard.
And, I am here to help. The blog will provide information and resources. Video coaching and on-site workshops are also available.
We are in this together.